2011-07-08 News | |
Date: | 8 July 2011 |
Forgotten author turns to drugs to survive

The previously famous author Chaly turns 80 this year. His lifework was to write down the life stories of other people. But few know of his own tragic story. He was a bright star and everyone wanted to publish him. But as all stars he eventually faded. He became obsessed with the idea of catching the perfect story. By living it. Chaly Karl was a national famous author that is best known for his book "A journey in the lands of shadows" that was published in 1954. It was his first work that he completed when he was 23 years old. Chaly Karl interviewed the generation that lived well before the start of the 19th century. He took a great interest in folklore and mysticism and published many significant works in the area. But at the peak of his career he stopped being published.
He was deemed irrelevant and eccentric at best. So he turned to a magazine called "Strange-Times" that published stories on mysticism, horror and sci-fi. But when the popularity of the magazine dwindled in the late 1970's. He barely kept himself alive. It is believed he turned to drugs and other stimulants due to the extreme economical pressure that he endured in failing to get any real income. He was taken in and hospitalized at the Riverside Mist Asylum a few years ago. As he suffered from horrible delusional thoughts. Dr. Tatiana Kharitonova explained that Chaly seem to be in a better condition and that his mental health is increasing for every day.
- Alexandrov Nostrin for Vechera Gazeta
Large police activity in Universitetskiy and Tsentral'nyy reki District
2 polices found brutally slaughtered and several witnesses talk about 2 bears attacking them. The FSRB:SPG were called in.