St. Mikula Cathedral Catacombs

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St. Mikula Cathedral Catacombs
The wind howl, the water drip rats scaring and gnawing th bones of the dead.
Site St. Mikula Cathedral Catacombs.jpg
Address: Temnyy gorod; St. Mikula District 5:5
Category: Temnyy gorod Underneath
Game article: Icon sc.png Game Master

The St. Mikula Cathedral Catacombs or the Catacombs for short, are large and dangerous underground burrialground used in the 1500 century and have been sealed from the public due to safety risks.

The Catacombs is said to be huge and contain the grave of St. Mikula him self in the main hall located directly at the entrence. The entrence to the Catacombs are via the Cathedral.

For those who have been inside the catacombs they say that it is hard to navigate it's tombs and chambers.

See also
