Red Lake
Red Lake | |
Address: | North Forest |
Category: | Sites |
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Krasnyy ozero (English; Red Lake) is located in the North Forest, 5 kilometers north from Temnyy gorod. The lake got its name due to the red color of the lake. The color of the lake is due to the iron rich mountain and algey growing in the lake. The color of the lake varies during the year, mostly the color variation is due to the amount of rain water that is channeled from the mountain, bringing iron rich water to the lake following the lake more deep red. During summer time the red algae apears and colours the lake more blood red. There are no health hassards swimming in the lake but the health department strongly suggest not swimming during the algebloom.
Fauna and flora
In total, fewer than 16 native fish species are in the lake, but more than two third of these are endemic. Due to the rich iron the water contains the fish have a red shimmer and if digested taste strongly of iron. The local government of Temnyy gorod strongly suggest not eating the Red lake fish.
Red lake lady
Red lake lady (or red lady, lady in red, lake lady, lady of the lake) is a legend that surround the lake. She is known to lure young men or women down to the water and then violently drowning them. Similar to the folklore tale of the water nymph Rusalka. This legend sprung up when people were found in the vicinity or in the lake drowned. This started around 1700th. The most reagent drownings were investigated by modern police and investigators concluded it was suicides or accidents. The most resent suicides were committed 1988, 1991, 1992 and 2000.